Want an edible bed near you?
Edible York are a volunteer-run charity, with no direct funding, but we have still managed to help support the creation of a dozen edible spaces (large and small) across York.
If you have a great idea, some space near you that needs some love, or would like to take over a run down public flower bed (and put it to productive use!), then send us a message, and we will do everything in our power to help make it work!
We can:
* Meet you to help flesh out ideas or plan how you can build your team of volunteers
* Help liaise with the council to find out who owns the space
* Help you source some seeds or plants to put in it
* Support putting ward funding bids in for larger projects that need a cash injection
So, don't delay! Get in touch, become a members or pop along to one of our town centre sessions and find out how we can make York an even greener and more edible city!
Contact us by email (info@edibleyork.org.uk), follow us on our Facebook or Twitter accounts.
You may become an individual member, or join us an an organisation. Use the following link to find out about both types of membership
Edible York Application for Membership