edible york
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Please donate to Edible York:

We are a volunteer-run charity with no permanent staff, so we welcome any support, and we can make your money go a long way to improve your local city.

Donations to support our work around York - by cheque, online with Just Giving or bank transfer.

To send a cheque or pay via your bank -  Contact us and we will tell you the details you need.

Any amount helps - £5 will buy some seeds, £35 covers the cost of plating a fruit tree, £50 will pay for compost.

Thank you!

Abundance at Edible York - our biggest fudraising campaign.

We ran a crowdfunding campaign March-June2016 and reached the target of £4,819 on 19th June 2016.

This enabled us to fund a permanent storage container (Apple HQ and a a Vigo Apple juicer, and allowed us to expand picking surplus fruit around York in 2016 and 2017 and has partly funded our efforts in 2018.

The details of our original 2016 crowdfunding campaign project are on

Free apples for York!


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Edible Map

At Edible York, we’re working with the community to provide every local and organic food growing opportunity available. This also includes highlighting and pointing out areas where wild produce is already ripe for picking and areas which are ideal for foraging for delicious natural treats.

There is a world of goodness outside your home and with a simple look at our Edible Map; you’ll soon see the vast array of naturally growing wild produce just waiting to be enjoyed. In addition to mapping out all the public food growing space that are known of across the York area, Abundance, York’s urban harvesting group is also hoping to collect details of private fruit and vegetable sources. The map itself shows only publicly available areas.

Across York, the Edible Map highlights a vast array of wild fruit trees, ready for their fruit to be harvested and enjoyed, without a polythene bag in sight. From sweet chestnuts to wild apples and damsons to blackberries, the fruit available across York may surprise some people, who weren’t previously aware of the extent of wild, natural produce available. The Edible Map is collated by members of the Edible York team but also accepts submissions from readers who have spotted something interesting.

As well as fruit trees and bushes, plucky foragers have spotted many naturally occurring herbs and spices amongst the hedgerows of the area. The map shows sites growing of garlic mustard, horseradish and even edible roses. With the vast array of natural produce growing, our work at Edible York can only serve to help the community build up from this great starting point and further develop the sustainable food sources in the area.