Greenfields is one of the larger EdibleYork growing spaces.
It is a school (Haxby Road Primary) and community growing project, with space for an orchard, tree grafting area, and multiple fruit and vegetable growing beds.
There is space here to experiment, and a no-dig gardening section. There are also herbs, tomatoes, currant bushes, raspberries and strawberry beds.
The orchard and wildflower meadow also gives space for plenty of wildlife and it is aimed to manage this with scythe cutting once seeds have set.
Do come along to one of our regular gardening sessions, an event or follow us on Facebook. We also have a Twitter account.
Before (2009):
After year winter 2012:
Early 2019:
Come and take a look yourself, the fruit trees have established nicely and we have all the beds in cultivation, as well as a central shelter / picnic spot.